UPDATE: The Pandanda Team updated the Main Page a little by adding a message talking about memberships, and how beta ends! Here is the image: As you may know, Polkagirl919 won the blogger prize and the prize came with an article written by Henry and some quotes from the winner (Polkagirl919) so Henry finally got our quotes, and then, something happened. Our blog host domain service kinda crashed on us so it was down and up for a while but that's fixed now. ;-) There isn't much to say now because most of it's all in Henry's blog post so read for yourself.:
Puzzle Contest Blog Winner - The Pandanda Gang
| October 22nd, 2009
 Hi Pandas,
Yesterday the Pandanda Gang Blog won the blogger portion of our Puzzle Contest, so today we are devoting an entire article to them as a prize.
The Pandanda Gang is comprised of: Polkagirl919, Blowsight10 and Kevinice95. They run a really great site. It is updated very quickly as news is released about Pandanda Land and the quality of their reporting is very professional. I invite everyone to click on the banner above to check it out. Let's see how many hits we can give them today!
We asked Polkagirl919 to write about their blog in their own words also, and here's what she had to say:
"We would like to thank Henry, and The Pandanda Team!
As bloggers, we try to make Pandanda better each and every day, by making Pandanda fun and a better place for all. We try to do our best and to come up with ideas to have fun, ultimately wanting to show our appreciation to our fans. And here is our Puzzle Contest story from my perspective.: Ok so, we kinda had a team plan going on so Kevinice looked for pieces, Blowsight and myself were assembling the puzzles and some help from fans too with encouragement. And then we were all shaking in fear and excitement because we were panicking I guess on who is going to win. I think Blowsight was about to lose her mind at one point (it was hilarious!) but we helped her through it! ;-P Most of the pressure was on me because I had the e-mail ready while Blowsight, was finding puzzle P so then we had to publish it ASAP. Our hearts were racing with adrenaline so I was kind of relieved to send the e-mail but the thought of knowing who won got to me so I was scared for a while. Then this morning, I was really scared to get on the computer, because I didn't want to see who won. But I got tempted and went on the computer anyways then I got hyper for a moment. So I looked on twitter first and saw that I had a lot of replies. And they were all like YOU WON! Then I hesitated and thought in my mind I won!? So then I checked Henry's blog.... My mother was acting like she didn't notice me going crazy, lol. Then I had to go off to another day of school, it was a good way to start off my day."
What a great story. Congratulations again to Polkagirl919 and thanks to everyone who participated in our contest.
That's all how it happened pretty much. :D Can't wait until later today at 12 PST, if you didn't know, that's when beta starts!!There is going to be a lot of new stuff for member's and non-members. Note to non-members: If you want to get a membership, with the great discount of $19.95 USD, that offer ends TODAY!!!!! If you hesitate to take that offer now, it will cost $54.95 USD AFTER BETA!!!!! Also, you guys have been asking to see the banner, just a heads up here, it's the image on Henry's latest blog post if you want to see it. But, were trying to fix some glitches to put the banner on this site so everyone can see. We kinda added some stuff to it but we don't wanna spoil the surprise on how it looks like. That's everything we have here! We might have some parties tonight but you never know! We mostly go on Willow server or Poplar since Cedar isn't back yet. Lol, imagine a lot of people on Pandanda today, Pandanda might want to change the capacity on rooms and servers today since everyone is going to be on. Okay, so that's everything here for now. So Cya soon on Pandanda! Btw, Polkagirl919 is going to be on willow since Blowsight10 and Kevinice95 aren't going to be on for a while.
~ The Pandanda Gang ~
Great convo yesterday guys!
I'm glad you guys won, as you know I'm a big fan of PDG!
Keep up the great work!
Woohoo!! Go Polky!!! :D
LOL! Alvin, that was something I added! I just like the monsters. Sorry to confuse you!
Oh my gosh im sorry! Let that be an inside joke between us
All of PDG: I made an official beta buddy list( 96 friends ) So PLEASE check it out.
Let me know what you think by replying to this.
Rofl Alvin xD and sure I'll check it out and let Polka and Kevin know about this.
To Blowsight:
Was wondering if you were on my buddy list bc:
lastnight you were on there and Polka wasnt, and today polka was on there and you werent
Can you confirm if we are buddies or not?
Thanks for telling Polka and Kevin
Just got your comment on my site, and thanks
I do not belive we are buddies, so when is the right time to meet?
If ya wanna, we can meet right now like at Oak at Bear Hollow but I got to get off afterward. I'm working on a research project right now. :)
Ok it is 6:10 EST. Sorry I was away from comp.
Want to meet real quick at Oak Bear Hollow? Reply asap
Blowsight10, I am so sorry for not coming. I was in the car!
Ill see u tomorrow hopefully
ya i have a question, Did the pandanda Gang Get some special permission along with other groups to do stuff? and if not can i just make a site and tell you?
Yup, that is actually how it is Matt. You can create your own site and from there, it depends on you for the success. Good luck on it!! :)
Hey Blowsight I am on Oak Fishing hole, meet me there.
Reply to this comment if you r coming
im fishing
see u there
i left bc of:
B- Dinner
Maybe tomorrow
YAY It Ends Tomorrow Hey Check Out Henreys Blog They Put Up a Countdown Clock There!
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