Note: Check out the dragon's blowing flames now!! :D HERE
The Winter 09' Item is out just for today
ONLY!! It is a Winter 09' Shirt and here are pictures of the shirt, so check it out:

Lol and here is a picture of the shirt on my panda and also the Winter 08' shirt on a friend of mine, Spreck! :P
Also, there is also a huge decorated Christmas tree at Bear Hollow and two wrapped present. However, we will not know until December 25th! Here is picture of it too:
It looks awesome and very adorable on all of us, I would say! :P Lol, really Christmas-y and brings us more ecstatic feeling all around Pandanda plus the logo looks pretty neat too!! ^.^ That is all for now, so until nxt time fellow pandas, cya!! ;)
P.S. Don't forget to attend the Tree Lightning Party coming up today at 11am pst, woohoo!! Also, membership giveaway is coming up soon around the corner! :D
The shirt is awesome and can't wait to see what is the mystery gift on the 25th!! ^.^
Pets now have a new option if you got on launch!
tsk tsk, naughty blowsight. not allowed to peek!
There is also new music everywhere!!! Its so cool.
Hey!I found a panda with name Bowsight11!
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