We would like to thank everyone for coming :) It really means a lot to us. We gave THREE memberships to pandas who came to the party! :D
Here is a picture slideshow of all the highlights of the party!! :D
What People Said...
"Awesome! THE BEST PANDANDA PARTY. Thank you guys for this hour of fun! YOU RULE GUYS!"
"Simply Epic!"
"The party was great! I had so much fun with friends I also had fun with new friends! Thanks for the party"
"Your party was EPIC. Everyone was there all the way and having so much fun! I know i was! :D :D :D"
"The party was awesome! My favorite part was piling into the tree at the Den and behind the rock at Shady Glen"
"Epic party! Fun never stopped the whole way through! Just simply amazing! :D"
"That was an really awesome party and I wish you could make a holiday party this year :D"
"I really enjoyed the party. It was much better than a Henry visit and the amount of people there was perfect."
"The party was pandandapartnership-ilicous! It was the BEST event held on Pandanda ever, that I couldn't see myself! "
"The Pandanda Partnership party was awesome! ^_^ can't wait for the next one!"
"An epic party that lasted the whole way through. Pandanda Partnership Parties are the best!"
Raffle Winners:
We added all the pandas who came to a special program, and then randomly took their names out :P The Winners for the One Month Elite Memberships are...
Most Active Panda Winner:
The Pandanda Partnership decided on a most active part member, who was with us the entire party, cheering everyone on and just being a great member of the party ^.^ The winner is....
To All the Winners: Please Email us at PandandaContest@gmail.com WITH your Panda Password... to verify its really you emailing :)
Thanks for coming Everyone!! :D We had a Blast! :D Can't wait for the next party..
-The Pandanda Partnership
AltoBhai, BetaOmer, Blowsight10, Lime12101, Polkagirl919,
Follow us on twitter @PD_Partnership!
thanks for putting my comment and congrats to the winners ;)
Aww thank you very much! I know it was a raffle, but still! =] Really good party =) And thanks Sher! I will send the e-mail in a minute ;)
I absolutely forgot all about the party D : but it looked excellent!
Amazing Party! :D Congratz to all the winners! :P Can't wait for the next one!! :L
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