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How do I get a dragon?

Dragons are one of the most adorable creatures a panda can imagine. From Henry to Skippers, everyone has their own little pet dragon. However, there are many rules to having a dragon in Pandanda. You must care for it and give it all the tender love and care it needs in order to strengthen that bond between you and your new pet. To purchase a dragon in Pandanda, head to the West Market Street and enter the Pet Shop to the right.

Once inside, you will notice the store clerk, Izzy. She is the keeper of everything related to dragons and can help you with just about anything. To purchase a dragon from her, click on her avatar, and then select the "Buy Pets" option.

After you have selected this option, a catalog will appear, offering many different varieties of dragons along with how to care for them. There are eight different dragon colors: Red - Green - Pink - Purple - Blue - Grey - Black  - Yellow. Every dragon is 1000 coins.

After you purchase you dragon, give it a cute name! Your dragon egg will be delivered directly to your tree house surrounded in a nest. You should give your egg love and keep it in a warm place during the incubating and hatching process. An egg warmer comes with every egg purchase. While you wait, you will notice the egg moving, jumping, and even an eye poking out at times. Here is what they may look like.

 Now, it takes about a week for this dragon to hatch. Once it's hatched, it is important to keep your little dragon happy and rested so it can grow in to be strong. Over time, as your dragon grows, it will develop new abilities such as flying and breathing fire! Feeding it often, taking it for a walk, giving it "Flint Nibbles" and dancing with it are all great ways to increase the strength and happiness of your dragon. By checking the pet card, you can check the happiness of your dragon!


 If you can't deal with your dragon, and you feel sorry for leaving it without food or entertainment, you can return it to Izzy. Go to Izzy, and press on her. Then click on "Place for Adoption , and choose which of your dragons you want to leave.

If you don't take care of your dragon, it will soon hate you and leave your treehouse, so therefore you should take good care of it! It's worth 1000 coins! Hope this guide helps, stay tuned for more Pandanda Cheats!


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