Hey everyone! Blowsight10 was able to get a membership for her panda because her brother finally let her use his!! :D Once you are an Elite Panda, you will also have the Elite Symbol right below the Map Icon at the right top corner. Here are pictures of how it looks like:

If you click on the Elite symbol, a welcome note shall appear on your screen and thanking you for you time along with delightfully to see that you have purchase an Elite membership:

Also, the reminder WILL STOP coming up once you purchase a membership. Along with this, you can click on the button that says "Member Benefits" if you have not read the benefits and exclusive features that are Elite Pandas only. You can only read about it just by clicking
HERE. Pretty wicked don't you think?! Well that is all and remember to comment what you think of this, cya later!! ;)
~ The Pandanda Gang ~
P.S. Paypal payment is added as another option for you to be able to buy Elite Memberships!! :D
OMG!! I'm so happy my bro let me use his credit card!! :D My family isn't trustworthy of the internet but my bro let me though!! Woohoo!! :P I do still need paypal though, hehehe xD
im a member too im so happy!Pandanda Gang r awesome!!!!!
lol congrats and thx shikari, probably everyone who are becoming members ALL are happy. xP
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