UPDATE: Hey guys just to clear some things up about Pets for non-Elites, thanks to Henry we found out that non-Elites would not be able to get pets once Pandanda is launched but non-Elites will be able to have pets at a later time. Here is a picture of Henry's message in case you don't understand what we are saying:
Isn't this wicked!? Now nonmembers won't have to worry about not being able to get pets because it's official that you can! :D The only part is are the restrictions that Elite pandas won't have but those restrictions non-Elite pandas will have. However, it's great to know that everyone will have the chance to get a pet of their very own!! :D So what do you guys think and feel about this?? Exciting or what?!
~The Pandanda Gang~
~The Pandanda Gang~
Lol I'm an elite but glad that the nonmembers are able to get pets too. :D
Thanks for giving me credit!
I'm looking forward too the Pet Store opening a lot more now. And I can't wait for launch!
*skippers not skipper Xd I was there :)
Lol thanks rift xP
thx for telling us bout the nonmember pet thing.i really appreciate ur timings
Its kool but also gotta thanks Jbson for informing me and the others about it! :D
YAY, i hope nonmembers get to adopt dragons if they majke some. i like them alot.
Hey dragonarcher89, I guess you didn't understand what the post was about but it tells us that nonmembers CAN adopt pets, which we don't know what kind of pets but most likely they are dragons. :)
wow so cool! it makes me go on now! LOL its soooooooo cool! can't wait until it opens @_@ ps. hahaha! rift your comment was close to... some peouple know an old cartoon about skippy the bush kangaroo nealy the same name huh? anyhow keep posting i love ur blog....... ~ytfw~ :) or ;) or if u get me angrey -_-
lol wow nice ytfw and we would make sure not to make ya angry xP
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