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Happy Earth Day!

UPDATE: I just got 2 dragon eggs, please click on them for me!! ==> Adopt one today! Adopt one today! Thank you!!
Hey Pandas! Happy Earth Day! Once again, Henry made a post in his blog today! It's about how to use emotes which you can also click here for more details in one of our past posts on how to unlock emotes. Here is what Henry said on his blog. :
Happy Earth Day! Apr. 22nd, 2009
Happy Earth Day everyone! Here are some things you can do on Earth Day :
• Pick up any litter you see on the ground.
• Plant some flowers.
• Turn off unneeded lights.
• Recycle!
• Take a hike, have a picnic, or just enjoy the outdoors!
Also, I wanted to remind you there's only one day left to enter the drawing contest, so get those submissions in by Thursday, April 23rd at 11:59pm PDT! I will announce the winners on my blog this Saturday and again later in next week's PLA Today newspaper.
Now, to answer a few questions I've been getting.
• Will there be more beta items?
Yes! We will have several more beta items before the end of beta. Remember to check my blog for future beta item announcements.
• How do I send emotes?
To send an emote, first click on the chat bubble icon on the menubar. Then move your mouse over the "Emotes" section. Finally, click on the emote you want to send. There are also more emotes you can do by pressing the number keys 1 through 8 on your keyboard.
Pandanda online game for kids http://www.pandanda.com
Pandanda online game for kids http://www.pandanda.com
Well thats all everyone! Have a Happy Earth Day!

~The Pandanda Gang~


sisant said...

I did some activities activities to celebrate Earth day! I watched WALL'E, turned of all electronics/lights for a day, picked up trashes (I filled up two giant plastic bag!), and went to a science/earth museum! :)

28maybloom00 said...

Even I did some activities that contributed.I planted trees,collected garbage around the compound and house,made a poster saying "do contribute something to mother earth on earth day!"i and my friends also went to the local plant house and decorated the place with the dried leaves they collected and where going to burn.and from now i will be putting pandandagang's address in the url place.

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