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5,000 Hits and Ultimate Fan Banner!!

Hey fellow pandas! Pandanda Gang finally has reached 5000 hits!! We want to thank you all our fans and everyone else for your support and help us to our goal and later on in the future! We are now planning a party on Pandanda to celebrate it soon! Announcement of the official party will be announced and notified to everyone when and where the party is on Pandanda!

Also, thanks to one of our very close friend, Lime12101, who created us a link bar for the major pages located right below the header as a surprise. We want to announce that one of our important page is our PDG's Ultimate Fan Banner!
Pandanda Gang!
From now on if you're trying to find the code for our banner, all you have to do is go HERE!
That is all everyone! Hope everyone would be able to go to our party!! Also, we are hoping to see our banner on more other blogs and future Pandanda blogs! Thank a lot everyone!!
~The Pandanda Gang~


Anonymous said...

Hey I got 3660 Hits :)

Zigzag1994 said...

cool! im so there!

Pereeia said...

well done!

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