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New Issue of PLA Today!

Hey Everyone. There is a new issue of PLA today! Here is what you might see in the newspaper.:
Front Cover:

Here are pictures from the Previous Drawing Contest

Some more pictures of the drawing contest

Drawing contest pictures (continued...)

Drawing contest pictures (continued...)

Some facts about what type of Panda we are:
To straighten this out, we are red pandas! We know what your thinking, when you think "Panda" you probably think of the most common panda that comes to mind. The Giant Panda. The giant panda is actually a relative of the red panda but there is a lot of differences as you can see. At first you might have thought they were racoons but they are very similar its hard to tell at times.

Potions Story

Potions Facts:
Another thing to clarify is that Paige doesn't make the potions, she gets them from a person by the name of Trixe Trumble.

Ask Henry

Thats all with the New Issue of PLA Today Pandas!
~The Pandanda Gang~


Anonymous said...

what does PLA stand for??

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