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Hint glitches from Farmer Dan!

Hey Pandas! The other day we found this glitch with Farmer Dan. Here is what you do, go to Farmer Dan at Darby Field and click him, then click hints. This hint says "Mr. Elmhurst in East Market Street will buy your old furniture from you." Weird because Mr. Elmhurst is located in West Market!

Here is another one, this one says " Click on the newspaper icon in the upper right corner to get the lastest news in Pandanda Land. First off, since the toolbar upgraded the newspaper is now on the bottom right corner! And second,  we think he means latest insted of lastest. 
Well thats all we have for you now!
~The Pandanda Gang~

P.S. Scroll down for the latest news on the contest! It's still going on and you still have a chance to win! Also, remember you only need to get 3 to be in the drawing! Look around the site for clues if you can!
Lastly, Thanks Alto Bhai and 28maybloom00 for catching our attention on this!


nicepuppy9 said...

lol lastest!! Who wants lastest news?!? ROFL!!!

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