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How to: Collect Trash

Hey Guys! If some of you are wondering what can I do with a can we can show you!
Here are the trashes and who you can give them too:

Recyclable Bottle 4 Coins
Recyclable Soda Can 5 Coins
Recyclable Can 6 coins

You can give the cans to Lisa at Shady Glen or Steve at East Market. This is how it looks like when you try to sell something to them:

Click on the cans you want to sell and you can get coins! Hope this helped!



alfalfa9 said...

You have worth of the items wrong, the Recyclable Can is worth 6 and the Recyclabe Soda Can is worth 4.

Blowsight10 said...

Thanks for helping with the correction of the recyclable can alfalfa9! :)


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