The player card contest have officially started on Pandanda!! I am sure many pandas have already started on their own drawing but now, we have the final date to turn in your entries, which is on November 6th at 11:59pm!! Here is Henry's post of the whole contest:
The Player Card Drawing Contest!
| Ocotober 27th, 2009
Hi Pandas,
Today I'm super excited to kick off our latest contest - the Player Card Drawing Contest.
This contest is to design and submit a drawing of a player card background using the template provided. We are leaving the theme open so that you can draw anything you think would make a great background, while still following the rules of course. Your original drawing can be hand drawn or created on a computer. The entry however must be emailed to us in the format of a digital image (in one of the following formats: jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, pdf, png).
Hand drawn images will need to be scanned into your computer or turned into a digital picture using a digital camera so they can be emailed to us.
Fun games for kids
Click on the image to get a template.
There will be one Grand Prize.
The Grand Prize winner will have their design turned into an actual player card background by our graphic artists to be used in the game. The _really_ cool part is that the winning design will feature the winning Panda's name on the card - which could even make your Panda pretty famous - who knows? The winner will be announced on Saturday November 7th in my blog and the new Player Card Background will be freely given away to every Panda during the following week. We recommend you use the template as it shows the placement of where the Panda image shows up on top of the Player Card and how it will cover the design.
To submit your drawing (have your parent or guardian help you):
1. Read and obey the rules. Entering the competition means that you and your parent/guardian agree to the rules. If you are under 13 years old, please ask your parent or guardian to review them with you, along with our website terms of use specifically with regard to the use of submissions you send to us.
2. Ask your parent or guardian to email your drawing to from their email address, the one they used when they signed you up for Pandanda.
3. Type the words "Player Card Drawing Contest" in the subject line of the email.
4. Type your Panda name in the text of the email for example "Panda Name: Paige."
5. Do NOT include your real name, house address or phone number.
6. Email your entry to Pandanda to receive it no later than Friday, November 6th at 11:59pm, Pacific Standard Time (PST).
A complete list of contest rules can be found here.
I can't wait to see all of your designs,
P.S: Don't forget that we'll be having a Mega Halloween Party on Saturday at noon (PDT) with tons of fun and a free item for everyone!!
One contest after another, along with excitement after excitements!! First the Puzzle Contest, then came PD Official Launch, and now this Player Card Contest and the Halloween Party coming soon this Saturday, woohoo!! :D We can't wait to see the winners and the winning player card!
~The Pandanda Gang~
Im Definitley Entering!Altogh Im Not Amazing At art Like The Pandanda Gang Im Gonna Enter!I May Try something With Gimp, Thats If I can Work out how to use it lol =)Ive already started my hand drawing version!Good Luck To PDG & All its fans!=D
We can also submit as much backgrounds as we want! I'm going to use all my best ideas, and try win!
-jbson Official PDG Panderator (I just had to say that!)
Im gonna enter!
Im gonna proberly do it by hand tho.
Willola (Panderator)
ive already strarted myine i might do more
i told you that about the eggs cracking but you didnt give credit!:(
Hi Anonymous, we knew about the eggs cracking before you told us.
A really creative choice for a contest! I already got one that is entered, and I think it has a pretty good chance. But, then again, we have some pretty talented pandas out there on Pandanda. And some fast ones too *cough* Blowy! *cough* I also can't wait until the Halloween Party! The Henry Tracker even changed for the occasion.
PDG Panderator
hi i dunno what theme to do have u got any ideas?
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